Guest Etiquette 101

A great guest knows the meaning of R.S.V.P and always does.

A harried host will appreciate a few extra minutes, so a great
guest arrives just a tad bit late. Fashionably, of course.

Whether a bottle of wine or a bouquet of flowers for
the hostess, a great guest never arrives empty handed.

Offer to help in the kitchen or clear the dishes,
because a great guest always lends a hand.

Never show up with unannounced guests. A great guest asks the host's permission first.

A great guest keeps her wits about her and her spirits in check.

Strike up a conversation, because a great guest knows
meeting someone new is always an adventure.

Pay attention to the time and the host's cues.
A great guest knows not to overstay her welcome.

A great guest personally says thank you to the host before bidding the party adieu.

Send a thank you note after the party, because a great
guest knows graciousness is always a good look.